If you currently have or are thinking about starting a blog, you’ll know that it is important to publish content for your readers consistently. You might have a lot of fresh content ideas at the beginning, but then come across writers block down the line. You may also be ready to write your first post, but struggle to know what people will want to read. The key to a successful blog is having techniques for coming up with good ideas for your posts.
Randy King is a communications professional with a focus on basketball blogging, radio production, and podcasting. He has worked in a variety of news settings, including everything from web-based blogs and podcasts to traditional outlets such as radio stations and print publications. Wherever you are on your blogging journey, here are a few tips for coming up with consistent content ideas:
- Keep a running list of ideas for future content. It can be helpful to have a notebook or even just a notes app on your phone when inspiration strikes. Put all your ideas in a big document that you can look at when you are struggling for ideas.
- Expose yourself to content from other creators. Find a few blogs that inspire you and take a look at what kinds of things they post. Don’t copy it directly, but think about how you can take those ideas, expand upon them, and make them your own.
- If you have a following already, ask them what posts they would like to see.
- Find out what topics are trending online. You can use Google Trends or other keyword search engines for this.
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